About Me




Connor McClellan Astronomy

About Me

My pronouns are he/him.

I am a 6th-year PhD candidate studying at the University of Virginia.

In my academic research, I use numerical radiation hydrodynamics simulations to explore astrophysical problems ranging from exoplanet atmospheres to thermonuclear explosions on the surfaces of neutron stars.

About This Webpage

This site is compiled from a collection of Markdown files which are rendered to HTML using Pandoc. The formatting is handled with this CSS file and this HTML5 template, which are based on the Tufte CSS stylesheet. The Pandoc command used to compile each HTML file is

pandoc --katex --from markdown+tex_math_single_backslash --filter pandoc-sidenote \
--to html5+smart --template='./stylesheets/tufte.html5' --css './stylesheets/tufte.css' \
-o [FILENAME].html 'Connor McClellan Astronomy.md' [FILENAME].md

The file 'Connor McClellan Astronomy.md' contains the site index, which is prepended to each HTML file and inserts links to other pages in the margins.